Story Hour for Preschoolers with Grandma Sherri begins Tuesday, October 1, 2024.  Any four or five-year-old child, not yet in kindergarten or home school, is welcome to participate.  Children must turn four years old on or before December 31, 2024.

Sessions are held each Tuesday morning from 10-11 AM.  The semester runs from October 1 through December 10.

In order for the library to have enough supplies, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.  Please stop by the library at 117 W Court to fill out the necessary form(s).  Forms must be filled out by a parent or legal guardian for each child.

Stop by the library or call 785-282-3361 for full details.

“Don’t Delay, Register Today!”


NOTICE: The Smith Center Public Library programs are open to anyone in the age range that is indicated.  Due to the nature of the activities with our youth programming, children may need the assistance of their parent or caregiver.  Library staff cannot provide one-on-one support for program attendees, including restroom usage.